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Located halfway down Socratous street, this is in more than one aspect a very original construction. Built as it is on top of another building, the Mosque is accessible by an external staircase leading to a quite unusual porch and through it to the…

This church, situated on Athenas square, dates from the first years of the rule of the Knights of the Order of St. John. It was then that the original structure, much older, underwent a series of alterations. Out of the various frescoes decorating…

A site of exceptional interest for archaeologists, the vestiges of this church are located on Athenas square, an opening eventually formed in the wake of the devastating air raids in World War II that literally stripped this zone of all…

These fortifications used to protect the entire coastal face of the Medieval City, right in front of all three moles of the Rhodian harbours. There are scattered remains of that fortification in archaeological sites throughout the Medieval City,…

Located right at Sofokleous square, this mosque continues to function to this day. The inscription featured above the complex’s main entrance bears witness to the date of its construction: 1540, which makes it one of the earliest Muslim monuments in…